Workforce Management Mexico

Choose a Job You Love or Love the Job You Choose?

February 13, 2017

You might have heard the old saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”  I’ve come across that quote many times and I’m always hesitant about sharing.  In theory, yes, we all want to choose a job we love and feel passionate about but for many of us landing that dream job doesn’t always work out as planned.  If we aren’t choosing a job we love, then how do we learn to love the job we choose?

The truth is, your job is going to fill a large part of your life.  In fact, about one-third of our life is going to be spent working.  Working to collect a pay check will only motivate you for so long, but finding meaning in what you do will help you long term.  Finding happiness at work means diving in wholeheartedly into the job you have and here are a few tips to help you along the way.

Learn it. – Take the time to really learn all the necessary skills to be successful at your job.  Listen to the employees who have been doing the work for years and take notes.

Stay engaged. – When there is an opportunity to be involved, be the first to volunteer.  Attend meetings, luncheons, participate in projects, share new ideas or simply ask questions.  Staying engaged let’s others know you are interested and keeps you enthusiastic.

Be Patient.  The art of mastering never happened overnight.  Focus on the quality of work you’re doing and remind yourself what you love most about your job.

Grow.  Set career goals for yourself and take the initiative to enhance or develop your skills.  Whether that means additional training, certifications or personal development like mastering public speaking or a second language.  Take advantage of any opportunities that will help you develop professionally.

Find Your Motivation.  There will always be good and bad days.  When you’re struggling with your job, remind yourself why you are here.  Writing down the reasons of  “why” you do what you do and what you love most about your job will keep you moving in the right direction.





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